SubTitle :
selected papers from the 33rd International Geological Congress (33rd IGC), Oslo, Norway, August, 2008
Author Statement :
edited by B.S. Paliwal
Collation :
xxi, 528 p. , ill.
Title :
Global Groundwater Resources and Management
Contents :
section 1. Groundwater resources and management -- section 2. Hydogeological [i.e. Hydrogeological] conditions, groundwater assessment and modelling -- section 3. Hydrogeochemistry and contamination of groundwater resources -- section 4. Exploitation of groundwater and recharge -- section 5. Hazardous groundwater conditions.
Publication :
Jodhpur, India Scientific Publishers (India),
Subject :
Groundwater, Congresses , Groundwater, Management, Congresses , Water resources development, Congresses , Hydrogeology, Congresses