Author Statement :
edited by Krzysztof Iniewski
Collation :
xvi, 540 p. , ill.
Addition :
Title :
Nanoelectronics: Nanowires, molecular electronics, and nanodevices
Contents :
Electrical properties of metallic nanowires for nanoelectronic applications / Carmen M. Lilley and Qiaojian Huang -- Texture and microstructure dependence of electromigration defect nucleation in damascene Cu interconnect lines studied in Situ by EBSD / Kabir Mirpuri, Jerzy Szpunar, and Horst Wendrock -- Carbon nanotube interconnects in CMOS integrated circuits / Gael Close -- Progresses and challenges of nanowire integrated circuitry / Zhiyong Fan, Johnny C. Ho, and Ali Javey -- Printed organic electronics: from materials to circuits / Manuela La Rosa ... [et al] -- One-dimensional nanostructure-enabled chemical sensing / Aihua Liu -- Cross-section fabrication and analysis of nanoscale device structures and complex organic electronics / David W. Steuerman and Erich C. Walter -- Microfabrication and applications of nanoparticle-doped conductive polymers / Bonnie L. Gray Ajit Khosla -- Single-electron conductivity in organic nanostructures for transistors and memories / Sandro Carrara -- Recent developments toward the synthesis of supramolecular bioelectronic nanostructures / John D. Tovar, Stephen R. Diegelmann, and Brian D. Wall -- New developments in nanostructured electrode materials for advanced Li-ion batteries / Ying Wang, Chuan Cai, and Dongsheng Guan -- Quantum-dot devices based on carbon nanotubes / Ali Kashefian Naieni and Alireza Nojeh -- Individual carbon nanotubes as electromechanical actuators: simulations and initial experiments / Tissaphern Mirfakhrai and John D. W. Madden -- Low-level electrical measurements at the nanoscale / Jonathan Tucker -- Nano ESD: electrostatic discharge in the nanoelectronic era / Steven H. Voldman -- Nanopackaging / James E. Morris.
LC Class :
LC Number :
. 381
LC CutterNumber :
N 186
Publication Year :
Publication :
Subject :
Nanoelectronics,Nanostructured materials, Electric properties
DocumentNumber :
9780071664486 (alk. paper) ,
Link To Document :
