Author Statement :
edited by Juan Martinez-Vega
Collation :
xviii, 580 p. , ill. , 25 cm.
Addition :
Title :
Dielectric Materials for Electrical Engineering
Contents :
Physics of dielectrics -- Physics of charged dielectrics: mobility and charge trapping -- Conduction mechanisms and numerical modeling of transport in organic insulators: trends and perspectives -- Dielectric relaxation in polymeric materials -- Electrification -- Space charges: definition, history, measurement -- Dielectric materials under electronic irradiation in a scanning electron microscope -- Precursory phenomena and dielectric breakdown of solids -- Models for ageing of electric insulation: trends and perspectives -- Response of an insulating material to an electric charge: measurements and modeling -- Pulsed Electro-Acoustic Method: evolution and development perspectives for space charge measurements -- FLIMM and FLAMM methods: localization of 3-D space charges at the micrometer scale -- Space charge measurements by the laser-induced pressure pulse technique -- The Thermal Step Method for Space Charge Measurements--Physico-chemical characterization techniques of dielectrics -- Insulating oils for transformers -- Electrorheological fluids -- Electrolytic capacitors -- Ion exchange membranes for low temperature fuel cells -- Semiconducting organic materials for electroluminescent devices and photovoltaic conversion -- Dielectric coatings for the thermal control of geostationary satellites: trends and problems -- Recycling of plastic materials -- Piezoelectric polymers and their applications -- Polymeric insulators in electrical engineering industry: examples of applications, constraints and perspectives.
LC Class :
LC Number :
. 3
LC CutterNumber :
D 561
Publication Year :
Publication :
ISTE ;Hoboken, NJ :Wiley,
Subject :
Dielectric devices
DocumentNumber :
9781848211650 ,
Link To Document :
