Author Statement :
Karl Barth
Collation :
V. ltI.1, II.1-2, III.1-4, IV.1-4, index
Contents :
V.1. Part 1. The doctrine of the word of God. V. 2. Part 1-2. The doctrine of God. V. 3. Part 1-4. The doctrine of creation. V. 4. Part 1-4. The doctrine of reconciliation.[V. 5] Index volume with aids for the preacher.
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
Birth-Death :
1886 - 1968
Publication :
T. & T. Clark International
Subject :
Theology, doctrinal,Barth, Karl, 1886 - 1968
Translator :
Translated by G.W. Bromiley
Editor :
Edited by G.W. Bromiley, T.F. Torrance