Author :
Augustine,Saint, Bishop of Hippo
Author Statement :
Saint Augustine
Uni. Title :
Sermons. English. 1990
Contents :
V. 1. Sermons (1-19) on the Old Testament /introduction Cardinal Michele Pellegrino, translation and notess Edmund Hill, editor John E. Rotelle.- V.2. Sermons(20-50) on the Old Testament.- V.3. Sermons (51-94) on the New Testament.- V.4. Sermons (94A-147A) on the New Testament.- V.5. Sermons (148-183) on the New Testament.- V. 6. Sermons (184-229Z) on the liturgical seasons.- V. 7. Sermons (230-272B) on the liturgical seasons. Sermons(273-305A) on the saints.- V. 9. Sermons (306-340A).- V. 10. Sermons (341-400) on various subjects.- V. 11. Newly discovered sermons.
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
Publication :
New City Press
Series :
The Works of Saint Augustine
Subject :
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo- Sermons,Theology- Early church , ca.30 - 600,Sermons, Latin- Translations into English,Sermons, English- Translations from Latin
Translator :
Translated and notes by Edmund Hill
Editor :
Edited by John E. Rotelle