Title :
Numismatics of the Islamic world
Contents :
V. 2-4. General studies on Islamic coins(P1-3). V.5-9. Islamic coins found in Northern and Eastern European(P1-5). V.10.Islamic and pseudo-Islamic coins from western Europe. V.11-16. coins and coinage of Al-Andalus(P1-6). V.17-19. coins and coinage of North Africa(P1-3). V.20-22. coins and coinage of sicily(P1-3). V.23. coins and coinage of palestine,Syria and Iraq. V.24. Arab-Byzantine coins and Arabic coins of the crusaders.V.25-26. coins and coinage of pre-ottoman Asia minor(P1-2). V.27-29.Studies in oriental coins(P1-3). V.30. studies in oriental coins by Berndhard Dom. V.31. studies in oriental coins by Frederic Soret. V.32. Studies in oriental coins by Jean de Bartholomaei.V.33. oriental coins by Edward thomas.V. 34-35. studies in oriental coins by Richard Vasmer. V.36-38. Arab-Sassanian coins(P1-3).V.39-42.Umayyad and Abbasid coins(P1-4).V.43-44. coins and coinage of Eypt(P1-2). V.46-47. coins and coinage of Of Iran(P1-2).V.48-49. Coins and coinage under the Mongols(P1-2). V.50. studies in oriental coins by pachomov.V.51. coins and coinage of Yemen and Oman. V.52-56. Miscellaneous collections of oriental coins(P1-5).
تاريخ ورود اطلاعات :
Publication :
Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science
Series :
Publications of the Institute for the history of Arabic-Islamic science
Editor :
Edited by Fuat Sezgin
FarsiTitle :
سك النقود والمسكوكات في العالم الاسلامي