Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Philoponus' Creatio Ex Nihilo Argument -- Chapter 3. Al-Ghazغ alغ i's Kalam Cosmological Argument -- Chapter 4. The Rise of Set Theory and Modern Cosmology -- Chapter 5. Craig's Kalam Cosmological Argument -- Chapter 6. Problems with the Infinity Argument -- Chapter 7. Philosophical Arguments for a Beginning -- Chapter 8. Can Cosmology Justify Belief in an Eternal Universe? -- Chapter 9. God as the Explanation of the Universe -- Chapter 10. Conclusion.,This book offers a discussion of the kalغ am cosmological argument, and presents a defence of a version of that argument after critically evaluating three of the most important versions of the argument. It argues that, since the versions of the kalغ am cosmological argument defended by Philoponus (c. 490-c. 570), al-Ghazغ alغ i (1058- 1111), and the contemporary philosopher, William Lane Craig, all deny the possibility of the existence of an actual infinite, these arguments are incompatible with Platonism and the view that God foreknows an endless future. This conclusion, however, is not a problem for the proponents of the kalغ am cosmological argument, for the book shows how the argument can be defended without denying the possibility of the actual infinite. In order to offer a comprehensive analysis of Philoponus and al-Ghazغ alغ i's cosmological arguments, the book draws on recent English translations of some of their works. Next, the book advances a detailed argument against the popular argument based on the impossibility of an actual infinite. Finally, the book offers a unique defence of the kalغ am cosmological argument by defending philosophical arguments for a beginning of time that do not deny the actual infinite, evaluating which hypothesis best explains the discoveries of modern cosmology, and offering an argument in support of the premise that, if the universe came into existence, then God brought it into existence.
Subject :
Islam-Doctrines,Philology,Religion,Theology,Philosophy of Religion.,Christian Theology.,Classical Studies.,Islamic Theology.